Does Your Bussiness Need A Blog | A blogspot is a Web log, an online Diaries or Journal. Blogspot started out as online diaries, in which diarists shared their everyday lives with the world. From their beginnings as a weird Web fad in 1998, blogspot have moved on, and are well on the way to becoming a standard business/marketing tool.

Why, Because in February 2003 Google (the best search engine on this periode)bought Pyra Labs, the company which owns the Blogger tool., one of the main sites providing blog software and hosting, boasted a million hosted web logs in 2003. Google's interest in blogs indicates that blogs are mainstream. A blog help your business and marketing in many ways, depending on whether you create a private or a public blogspot. Blogspot are so useful that you will want to create both.

>>Your business's private, internal blog/web blog<<

On These days, no one works alone. Even if you're a solo business operator, you have colleagues,partners,with whom you communicate daily. A private blog makes working with a group easier and fast community, because you can streamline your interactions, communication, saving time,energy,money and etc. A private blog can contain notes to yourself, or to colleagues, also general. It's a place to store/share information and tips that might not warrant a special email message. You can make post information like meeting notes, project tasks and summaries, and updated price lists. You can also post links to large files.

Your blog/web blog is more important than email, because web blog postings are dated, and easily searchable. You can post a message you want everyone to read, and the message stays on the web blog. With email, you read and delete, or read and forget. If you have worked on a project with someone in another state or on the other side of the world, you have blessed email, because it makes sharing information so easy. Using a web blog to share information is even easier than using email.

>>Your business's public blog<<

A business web blog is a marketing tool. If you do not have a site, your blog's a place to put your online CV, portfolio and client list. You can, and should, use your blog to express and showing your personality and expertise. If you have a Web site, your web blog page builds loyalty, because if you provide interesting article, your audience will return to your site/web blog. And because it's a Web page, your blogspot would be appear on google (search engine) attracting new clients/visitors.

Google has been treating blogspot differently from other Web pages for a couple of years. Where as it takes a standard Web page / site a month to be indexed by Google,web blog are indexed daily. This means that your blog is very cheap advertising online. You can posting something on your web blog and have it indexed by Shall be creating a web blog help your business ? I thinks web blog is very good advertising to increase your business at cyberspace, because no need money to promote your business to our consumer/visitor.

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