9best.blogspot.com | So you got a your own weblog. Everything looks great, you
have nice layout, some nice pictures and last but not least excellent articles.
You also update your blog on a regular basis but nobody
seems to read it ! You start to think where did I go wrong. Well if your blog
is really good you just need to be patient. Also make sure you submit your blog
to directories specialized in blogs and search engines.But even if you did all
this you might get not the amount of readers you wished for.
Get unlimited readers for you blog !
Smart people started to notice blogs are very popular so
they came up with a great ideas. Blogexplosion.com is such great idea. The
concept is simple, if you read other blogs then other people read your blog. So
the more blogs you read the more people will be reading yours. Sounds good you
might think. Well it actually is a very good concept. Just register your blog
for free and login, then pick a category blogs you would like to read and start
You must read each blog for at least half a minute, after that you can
select another blog. For each blog you have red you recieve a credit. This
credit means one other member is going to read your blog. Again great concept.
But there is a downside, first you have to spend of lot of time reading blogs
in order to get other people to read yours.
You can choose to read only blogs
in a specific category (of your interest) but it is still really time
consuming. Other people who are reading your blog might do this because they
only want other people to read their blog. You can imagine these are not the
most interested readers you wish for. But blogexplosion.com also offers non
members to search their directory for blogs. These visitors are potenial quality
readers for your blog! Other downside is that you can not only earn credits by
reading other blogs, you can also buy them ! If everybody is going to do this
then this concept doesn't do so well anymore.
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